Activity Time On Feast Day eves and on Saturdays On Sundays and Feast days
1 Reveille 4:30 am 05:30 am 05:30 am
2 Morning prayers 5:00 am 06:00 am 06:00 am
3 The Hours, Divine Liturgy 6:30 am 07:30 am 07:30 am
4 Obedience/work After the Liturgy - -
5 Lunch 00:30-01:00 pm 00:30-01:00 pm 00:30-01:00 pm
6 Evening Services 03:00 pm 03:00 pm 03:00 pm
7 Supper 06:30-07:00 pm 06:30-07:00 pm 07:30 pm
8 Evening prayers 07:30 pm 07:30 pm 07:30 pm
9 Bed time 10:00 pm 10.00 pm 10:00 pm

The Holy Dormition monastery Father Superior,
Archimandrite Siluan